Thursday, July 05, 2007

western delight

after the carnival opening ceremony (plus all the free food) yesterday, i rushed home to start preparing for my western dinner. kind of early though, but i thought it would take more time. so, i started preparing for dinner at 2pm. hmm.. next time if i have to cook for my family, it will take me 8 hours of cooking a day to cook both lunch and dinner. that's like cooking for a job right? just that it doesn't bring back the bacon. bye bye pharmacy.. nice knowing you!haha..

thus the preparation began...
preparing the materials

all set to go

The products: spaghetti, mashed potato and sauce, coleslaw

not forgetting: honey-flavoured konyaku and soya jelly (both not sweet enough though)

and of course, the three iron chefs.^^

1 comment:

~Christine~Leng said...

Nice. Nice. Nice to the three of you! Can cook well already huh? Can I join?? pls... hehe. Sorry ya. went to watch Transformer that day. So can't get to see the "3 Chefs" 'perform' in the kitchen! Great job!