Friday, May 11, 2007


Enough of all that mushy mushy stuff
So, what have we got here??
Let’s take a quiz…!!

It makes sunny days pour
It makes rainy days shine
It’s always a risk, which can tear you apart
Yet, without it, you can’t say that you really lived

It makes you extraordinarily happy
Yet it makes you ache in places you didn’t even know existed
It comes so quick and takes you unaware
It leaves so quick leaving you with a lifetime to miss

It creates memories for you to cherish and hold
Yet it is also these memories, which haunt you on lonely nights alone
It feels so real
Yet sometimes it is so hard to believe it exists

It exists
But is just so hard to find
When you try to grap hold of it
It nearly always slip right out of your grasp

Sometimes you think you have it
Sometimes you wish you have it
Sometimes you know you had it
Sometimes you wish you held on to it

It is just so hard to grasp
There is never a guarantee
There is no life warrantee
In fact, it molds your life
It makes you grow up
And hopefully, it makes you a better person for it

What is it?
You’re the smart one
You guess!=)

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