Friday, May 25, 2007

Movie Review – The pursuit of Happiness

When I first heard about the movie, my first impression was… should be quite boring. But in the end, I found that it was a very touching movie. When I see the father and his kid go through so much hardship for the simple reason that they do not have money, it makes me empathize with all the poor and homeless people in the world. Living comfortably in the world as we do now, the plight of the homeless seems so unreal, yet it is so common in some parts of the world. When you have no money to eat, no home, what can you do? Find a better job? That’s what the father was doing. But while he was doing his internship without pay, they still had to survive right? His drive and believe for a better future is truly touching. I suppose, to achieve great things in life, we have to go through the bitter process first, with faith and courage.

1 comment:

~Christine~Leng said...

I had the same initial thought as you . thought it would be boring... but it turned out so touching and motivating! I love this movie.. and Jaden is so cute!