Tuesday, July 28, 2015

momo the puppy

You've been in my life barely 3 months, and all it took was some powerful booming of fireworks, and your desperate attempts to scale the fence, and then you were gone.
I miss seeing you at the door, always happy, always friendly. I miss seeing you trying to walk one foot in front of another along the edge of the fence just to avoid contact with the grass, or lying with your head on the ledge of my door. I can still remember that day when you walked around stiffly after your kutu spray, trying all means to rub against the wall. It took a roll in the grass for you to finally feel comfortable again. And of course the funniest moment was when you practically plastered yourself to the wall when the lawn-mower started.
There's been this hole in my heart where you've been. I may look at other puppies, but all i think of is that they are not you.
I hope you find your way home someday. Till we meet again..

1 comment:

Vernon I. Collins said...

Great Post! And congratulations. I think you picked a winner. Thanks for sharing your thought process and criteria – I know that’s a touchy subject!
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