It’s late… I listen to the songs playing on my cd. I’m dubbing a tape from it to put into my car. It sounds good. Puts me in a writing mood. What am I doing?? I’m supposed to wake up early tomorrow to make sushi and carrot cake and cocoa jelly in preparation for my cousin’s visit on Thursday. And yet here I am… haha..
There are just 5 measly days left of my semester 4 holidays. I started this week diligently trying (in vain) to learn Japanese. It’s been on my holiday ‘to do’ list since dunno which semester. Yet I always seem to lose my enthusiasm for it the minute I think of doing it. Well, so I started… and I simply CANNOT remember the different characters. Sigh.. god help me.. hopefully I can squeeze in a lesson everyday even after class starts again. Hmmm.. doesn’t sound like a responsible student should. Hah.. it’s my last sem in Malaysia after all.
Time seemed to has flown so fast. It seems like yesterday when I was still working during the half-year break waiting for semester 1 to start. It seems like yesterday when I was still in Tunku Durah with all my friends. Sigh.. gosh, I sure am in a sighing mood tonight. Maybe that’s what late nights do. I will start my fifth semester in 5 more days. The thought of that fills me with impending doom, with dread… not wanting to be away from friends and family here.. afraid of what might change when I return..
Anyway, I digress..
The songs put an idea in my head to make a list of whatever I can remember. Weird right. Heh.. anyway, I suppose I should start. I have already crapped more than half a page.
the first song I liked, leading me on to listen to the radio.. – Sometimes, by Britney spears. She was real sweet back then. I remember hearing the song in Genting theme park with Grace (Hui Man). We were at some family camp in peacehaven, I think.
The first gassy drink I liked – well, actually I still don’t like gassy drinks. But that time when I enjoyed it most was in secondary school, when we girls would drink iced coke after PJK when we were all exhausted and breathless and dead thirsty. I would always drink with 2 straws. Hehe.. one of my weird habits. I think it tastes nicer. Try it!;p
The first time I cried buckets into my food – eww.. that was when we graduated in form 5. because my camera, containing precious photographs of my high school friends, SPOILED!! With all the pictures inside. Of people I thought I would not be seeing again for my entire lifetime. Okay, I know I’m being dramatic, but that was what I was thinking at that time. Well, at least I managed to salvage one very special one. ;p
The first colour I liked – blue I think. Since I was young, dunno why. Then it became purple, thanks to influence from john white’s books. At least I think so. Can’t really remember anyway. Now?? I suppose it’s pink. I don’t consciously make a decision. It’s just that one day I looked at my clothes hanging to dry at home in seremban (at that time I still took all my laundry home), and I realized they were all pink, in one way or another.
My favourite soft toy?? – the teddy bear, I suppose. My first teddy bear that I positively adored was one given by Aunty Meng Choo when I was hospitalized in standard 1. it was just so soft, with two hearts hanging from its neck. Now? Well, in a way, my taste in bears is the same as kee san: must have hair, soft, nice to hug, and simply capture my heart! Haha.. my dream bear… must be simply LARGE!! So that it can hug me. Hehe.. the pink bear I saw that day is down to one!! Somebody actually bought one. I wonder who the owner is, could it be a little girl, ecstatic over her new toy, hugging it to sleep everynight. Or maybe it’s a teenager like me, okay I just realized I’m already out of my teens, but anyway, a teenager reliving her childhood fantasies. Maybe it’s a boy, waiting to surprise a special girlfriend with it. Or maybe the boy could keep it for himself! Haha.. boys can like soft toys too can’t they? It’s a free world. ;p
What else?? I’m already out of topics. Can’t believe it… is this getting boring??
First time hospitalized? – well, that was in standard one, for suspected meningitis. They almost wanted to dig out my bone marrow for checking!! What a close shave I had. I’m so glad I didn’t know at that time. Imagine the pain! Anyway, in the end, amidst lotz of prayers, the doctor just gave me a strong antibiotic and it died out on it’s own. Second time hospitalized, was because I got bonked in the head by a basketball. That sound stupid right. Haha.. I think the precipating factor was the flower pot which hit my head when I fell.
Can’t think of anymore.. I think I better go to sleep. If not I wonder what my cousin will be eating on Thursday. Haha.. good night everyone!!