Monday, January 29, 2007

a matter of trust

recently i told myself that i will be optimistic in everything that happens for 7 days. I've always heard that it takes a week to create a habit. well. i tried. it was hard at first. i had to constantly remind myself of my decision. 7 days came and went. i wasn't really up all the time. sometimes i was still quite moony. but relatively less than usual. now, i think that being positive really makes me happier.

last time i always did what other people expected me to do.
now i do what i feel is right, do my best, and don't expect anything in return.

last time i always doubted him, even though he never did stray
now i just trust him. no matter what happens. and then i realised.. he is still there. and he is trying his best.

everybody just has their own different way of showing that they care. but what is love without trust? i didn't know that i hurt him everytime i doubted him. so trust, and accepting him as he is, even though it's hard sometimes, proved to be so much better for our relationship.

i believe happiness is your own responsibility.

it's all in the mind.
it's all about how you think.
it's all your own choice.

so... be happy! =)

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