Tuesday, November 11, 2008

someone please get me to sit down and finish my stuff!!!

i guess i've really become the queen in procrastinating.. sigh.. i've been sitting here all night with my case notes in front of me. AND I HAVEN'T TOUCHED ANY YET! sigh.. somehow.. my fingers wander away from the notes to tinker with this and that.. mainly related with my laptop. the words i fear the most now is: 'click to watch'... sweat..

i suppose i could just switch it off.. but then, my case notes are partly in electronic copy, since i can't understand what i scribbled in my notebook during my hospital attachment.. and then there would be no more music to keep me going throughout the night, thus speeding up my sleeping tendency... (do i notice that the excuses are endless? haha.. )

now the things to do has piled so high that the obsessive compulsive side of me would not allow me to not keep a checklist.. let me see..

1. prepare pharm care presentation - to print tomorrow.. OMG! there goes tonight's sleep..

2. print presentation on acetate.. the cost of printng is such a good incentive for me to keep my presentation short.. even then.. it's 5 credits per transparency!!

3. Life group tomorrow

4. do research project introduction

5. do CPP EBM workshop

6. meet Hannah?

7. make sure library books returned before due date

8. contact joseph bout practice time

9. do CPP assignment

10. friday... hannah's birthday bash? church? hip-hop?

11. remind ticket master to send our phantom of the opera tickets.

12. plan for december hols

13. buy an extra sd card.

14. keep checking for credit card statement - i'm paranoid of getting fined..

15. buy winter boots, those really really warm and water-proof kind.. for december hols.

16. revamp and back up my 36.2 gb worth of songs

17. try to shut out the incessant banging coming from upstairs. what's with the water pipe anyways.. it always goes into overdrive everytime some water is used.

18. find out about convo date, visa etc..

19. study for drug delivery systems class test.

20. prepare research project methodology.

21. prepare pharm care presentation 2 - this time i better be prepared earlier.. too stressed out by the previous last minute experience.

22. study for biopharmacy class test.

23. finish pharm care project somewhere in between.

24. not forgetting to do PSD.

25. finalise research project.

26. time for finals?

gah.. i wanna vomit blood already.. i think i need two buckets.. and there goes my another half an hour.. T.T

and i wonder why i have so many things left undone. haha..

don't procrastinate anymore!! get up and do your work!! i really need to smack myself..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, girl =)

Gan ba tte~

Miss you a lot~!! =p