Tuesday, July 29, 2008


we received our cheque from JPA for our Visa refund today!! we were so excited that we straight away went to bank it in at RBS. then we came home to 'chill' a while after test. actually i came home to nurse my broken heart over FMT1 by watching the comedy ' 10 things i hate bout you'. quite entertaining i think. i like julia stiles more and more.

anyway, after the movie, i saw ka keat's email bout collecting the letters tomorrow, so i started fillling in the form... only to REALISE... that... THEY ACTUALLY NEED OUR CHEQUE NUMBER!! OMG! which we had already happily cashed in earlier. gosh!

we went through a frenzy of getting ka keat's extension, msn-ing with him bout the problem, until kak lin was almost involved... good thing yi hui suddenly realised that the accompanying letter actually has the cheque number and date too! the things we do to ourselves. freaks me out sometimes. haha..

1 comment:

curiositykills said...

ehehehee..about the cheque number thingy..everything is on the letter right? just need to copy down like a kid. hee. dont understand why do they even want us to do that :S
anyway! yeah! chill! :)))
and 100pounds richer doesnt give u an excuse to go shopping k? :)
good luck in pp3 and fmt2:)