On 19th july, 6 of us decided to take a trip to edinburgh. it was a tough choice between edinburgh castle and loch lomond's highland games. but then, a quick search on the internet for loch lomond's highland games reminded me too much about our 'hari sukan'. rosslyn chapel came into mind and edinburgh won hands down.
we had to set out very early, since we had to go to both edinburgh castle and rosslyn chapel. the entrance fee to the castle is 12 pounds!! so of course we must at least wait till the canon goes boom at 1pm before leaving for rosslyn. in the end, we didn't get to see it go boom anyway. haha..
off we went at 7.20am. i had to wake up at 5.30am to bathe, then we were busy packing our sandwiches for our picnic lunch. traveling sure is tiring...
at Queen's street train station. kononnya... guards here are forbidden to take pictures for people, so we had to sacrifice one of our own. good thing kelvin went with us, coz we almost went to the central station instead. god knows where we'll end up then.
love this picture! the window makes me feel like i'm whizzing through a time tunnel. where time stands still.
four of us sat together, leaving ample opportunity for hormones to be transferred to poor animals. sorry... inside joke.;p
the old part of edinburgh has very nice buildings and plenty of statues. it's like, i can see one statue every few feet.
our very first group photo. outside the writer's building.
a simple lamp post. a good site for cam-whoring.
never say you can't.
what can i say? guys are just more creative i suppose.

another group photo in the prison
we spent most of our time cam-whoring in the prison - poisoning each other...

cool in black - in a marine prison cell

stained glass...

the castle's small chapel
this is where someone awaited his death i think. but oh well... lets take another group photo.
some 'soldiers' teaching us how they fought the french. the guy on the left was very funny. but when we wanted to take photos with them, they suddenly looked so serious. didn't even smile. looked like the guard in mr. bean.

knights in shining armour?? vco looks so slim. ;p

last group photo before leaving edinburgh castle. gosh... how many group photos have we taken? this is the most i have taken in any trip, thanks to the guys' creativity.

there's actually a sword shop! outside the castle...
After the castle, we spent so much time!!! trying to find the bus stop for the lothian bus 15 to go to rosslyn chapel. we walked around town.... checking each bus stop. until finally!! finally!! we found the bus stop for bus 15. then after another long wait, the bus finally came, only to tell us that we were waiting on the wrong side of the road. gah!
finally... we reached rosslyn chapel. entrance fee was 6pounds for students. no photography was allowed in the chapel though. same as in most of the places in edinburgh castle. hmm... maybe that explains why most of our photos were all in the prison.
after visiting the chapel, we walked over to the rosslyn castle ruins. here, vco bade farewell to his camera case. we didn't even know it fell down to the moat, coz he was so selamba when it happened.
where there's a will... there's a way
we sat the double decker bus back to edinburgh town, where we walked around in search of food. at every road i crossed, i saw a statue on my left, and a pizza hut on my right. gosh... i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. i supposed edinburgh just loves statues and pizza hut.
we ate at mussel inn ~

bread was free-flowing, iced water was free. 4 of us shared 2 half kilos of mussels: left - moroccan sauce, right - shallot sauce. nice wei! in the end, each of us just paid 2.75 pounds for a very nice and filling meal.
edinburgh castle from afar
we walked until the sun went down and lights switched on. the night scenery was beautiful. however, the people got more rowdy. it's quite scary actually, even though we had two guys with us. i don't ever want to be out when people start drinking.
so that's the end of our edinburgh trip. we came back exhausted with sore feet, but it was worth it. one day alone is so tiring, i can't imagine what 9 days in italy will do to me.
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