Tuesday, September 04, 2007

sakai destressing day full of food =]

Biopharm3 had been my nightmare for the past few days. me and fiona broke our record, studying until 2or3am for 2 consecutive days, becoming zombies in the day and sleeping like babies at night. haha..;p the sunday before the test, we actually went to this cell group dinner all done by the working folks. we could really see how much effort they put into it..and the food was absolutely scrumptious!
fruit salad and tofu by david, fish by derek, fish kuah and dal chicken by derek's mom, kajang satay (really very nice, first time eating it), nougats by alice~

oreo cheese cake by stefanie with E9 on top... can you see it? really delicious. must get recipe from her!!

finally! the exam was over today. i discovered that i made some stupid mistakes and some not so stupid mistakes (due to a wandering eye which happened to skip certain important parts in the module which were, as i know now, important.haha..)

one bad thing that happened to me was that i terkena some virus from msn. i knew that this thingy had been circulating around for some time. but, well, i got careless i suppose. my mistake. so now i'm figuring out how to kill it off. wait till i get to you, you evil slimy scumbag virus! gah...

so today was destress day! hurray!

me and two wonderful friends went to midvalley after class, since group c NO CLASS! hohoho... it was such an unexpected treat to finally get to hear a certain someone converse in mandarin.;p then once there, i managed to find the most perfect thing i've been looking for. haha.. secret.. *shhhh* thanx shu yin and kelvin for helping me to choose. it's the best!really!i agree wholeheartedly!=]

i also managed to buy two gifts, with the help of my two trusted pals, one for appreciation, one due to obligation. lol.

see the difference? lol.. but i love the way the bigger one is wrapped. nice~

then we went on a feeding frenzy, gobbling up all sorts of free food and drinks. hehe.. we the creative and innovative people of the new generation have our ways. those that i liked the most were the pohpiah (two wei~) and the cuttlefish snacks. haha.. sad to say, we exhausted more saliva compared to what we actually drank.;p sakai betul.. and i found out that i really really love mcdonald's CHOC TOP!! it tastes like magnum with all the delicious vanilla inside.yummy..;p

kelvin's water bottle. cool right..=]

i almost went sakai when see all the nice cakes.. got boon koon's genes oredy.haha..

cute right? i saw this at carefour..

all in all.. a very nice outing! =]

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